UK Carbon Reduction Plan

Supplier name: Calea UK Limited, United Kingdom (UK)

Publication date: November 2024


The UK Government amended the Climate Change Act 2008 in 2019 introducing a target of at least a 100% reduction in the net carbon account (reduction of greenhouse gas emissions compared to 1990 levels) by 2050.  This is the Net Zero Target.

FHC (Holdings) Limited is the holding company of two UK subsidiaries: Fresenius Kabi Limited and Calea UK Limited (together Fresenius Kabi UK).  These companies are healthcare companies involved in supplying pharmaceutical products, controlled drugs, medical devices, nutritional feed and nursing services. Both companies operate out of adjacent sites in Runcorn; these consist of warehouse space, offices, and an aseptic compounding centre

Fresenius Kabi UK takes its responsibility to protect the environment seriously. We constantly work to improve our environmental protection efforts and apply high environmental standards in a bid to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the UK. Furthermore, Fresenius Kabi UK is in full support of the Net Zero strategies in place across NHS England, NHS Scotland and NHS Wales.

Calea UK Limited is classified as a large unquoted UK company under the definition of the Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting regulations (SECR) by virtue of meeting both financial and employee thresholds.

Calea UK Limited reports its scope 1 and scope 2 emissions under the SECR. This plan covers all scope 1 and 2 emissions in line with the GHG Protocol Corporate Standard and Action Note PPN 06/21.  Scope 3 emissions are being mapped in more detail and this reporting will continue to improve.

To read the full UK Carbon Reduction Plan click here – FINAL UK Carbon Reduction Plan Calea UK Limited 2024